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National Children’s Day: Zach takes over the blog! (Sunday 14th May)

Greetings fellow babies, mums and dads. Today, I, Zach, have taken over Mummy’s blog. A couple of days ago, Mummy did a video about things that wind her up. This is really ironic because there are lots of things that SHE does that makes me cross…
  • She is always in a rush which is REALLY annoying when I want to carefully examine a blade of grass.
  • I’m not allowed to eat stones. I tried to eat one last week but there was a high pitched shriek and Mummy dive bombed me to take it away.

  • Mummy doesn’t like sharing. She forgets that if I see food then I have a claim to it. Day after day she sits there eating crisps or cake and I have to make a major fuss to get my rightful share.
  • My taste buds are developing so things I liked last week are no longer liked this week. I want Mummy’s lunch not what she has given me. Why does she get grumpy when I refuse to eat my own meal?
  • My big brother and sister always want to play with me and it’s exhausting trying to keep them both happy. Especially as I mainly want to play with Ollie (but Mummy won’t let me, big meany)
  • I want to explore. The kitchen, the bathroom, the stairs. Cupboards are fun to empty. I have a feeling Mummy hasn’t forgiven me for the Pimms incident but oh well…
  • I am always on the wrong side of the stairgate. I don’t know how this happens. I don’t know how Mummy manages to do it but whichever side I’m on the other is more interesting

  • Mummy’s phone. It’s a toy, right? So why can’t I play with it?!
  • I like investigating. I think I may be a scientist one day. Look how much fun I had exploring gravity and the properties of water:
  • The most annoying thing about Mummy is her mood swings. She is happy when I walk or talk then is upset that I am growing up too fast. Make your mind up!
*OK I have snatched control of the keyboard from Zach’s hands and would like to raise awareness of National Children’s Day 2017, where the rights and freedoms of children everywhere are highlighted. I wrote this post to try to put myself in Zach’s shoes (tiny little cute shoes!) and see the world through his eyes. It has made me realise how much he has to learn still and how much I do too.
Give your children a cuddle today, let them know they are loved, let them know they are important.
Think of the less fortunate children, those affected by war, illness, abuse.

Let’s build a better world for them to inherit. Let’s do it today.

Getting ready for work. He's not making it easy for me to leave :'(

A post shared by Laura Beresford (@loopyloulaura) on



  1. oh dear Zach – life isn’t always fair is it. mean old mummy πŸ˜‰
    my boy used to want to steal my food as well when he was your age. I used to just pop all the food on my plate and let him “think” it was mine. hehe x


  2. Emma

    Love this! It’s good to sometimes look at things from your child’s perspective to see how they must be feeling. Being a parent is stressful but so is being a child. Great post! x

  3. Not allowed to eat stones? My daughter L isn’t allowed to either and she dislikes me for it. She also has a big sister who always pulls her around which she isn’t too keen on. Don’t worry one day you will be big enough to take back to control πŸ™‚ ox

  4. Filled with joy, Zach there did a wonderful job with being clicked and give some thought to mommy. I wonder if these were his words and feelings. Nicely done Laura….a good follow up to your video!

  5. This is lovely. I’d love to know what goes through their minds. It does make you pause when you think they are only exploring and aren’t going to your agenda because of this. I’ve just had some stones made into jewellery in my recent post ‘My First Party Bag’, maybe Zach would like some made into cufflinks or necklaces, check it out. #RVHT

  6. what a mean mum, but i think we’re all like this and more than we intend, there’s a balance between keeping you safe and letting you explore without the worry of the safety or irreversible damage to property, although i do think maybe leaving mummy alone when she’s eating.
    Popping over from #TriumphantTales to say Hi.

  7. Oh absolutely. I wasn’t aware of national children’s day but this is a beautiful way to pay homage. Yes examining blades of grass and such like are a very important part of the day for the littles ones and they should not be rushed, this will make them unhappy! Lovely posh Zach, you certainly are a little cutie. Enjoy your science experiements and thanks for joining us at #familyfun

  8. Ahhhh Zach you are so adorable!!!! It is nicve to put yourself in your kids shoes every now and again to appreciate the simpler things and realise how much we take for granted!
    Thnak you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back on Tuesday

  9. Awww love this post. (Waves hi to Zach). It’s defo a fab idea to or ourselves in their shoes. I read a fab article the other day about this. Wish I could remember where. Great post. Actually it was a video I think.

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